Friday, August 22, 2008

Found New Skill

I love working to Mr. Ronald Shane Flynn. He is a very responsible guy; he knows what’s best for his secretaries. He always kept on giving us a meeting everyday so he can talk to us personally about the work, the business and what’s going on with everyone of us and our families.

I am a 21 year old girl and a mother of two baby girls, both are toddlers. We separated with their father. I have been studying, but I just have to stop when we had a financial problems. And so I decided to work to give them something they want and need. But of course their father was supporting them, it’s just I want to make something for myself too and to have a work experience.

So I asked my sister whose been working for too long if she knows a job that I can fit in because I am not confident for I am undergraduate. My sister had thought of only one person and it was Mr. Ronald Flynn. According to her she knows Mr. Flynn and they were friends. She told me that Mr. Flynn never discriminate person and never ever depends on what a person had finished. He always trust people and believed in them. And so I got excited and curious.

And I go to Mr. Flynn’s place, he asked me if I am really willing to work, and I answered him “Yes”. And then he showed me the website of GSBC, Spectrum Blue steel and Fightersoft. He taught me everything i need to do on my work.

As I have read all those information about GSBC, Spectrum Blue steel and Fightersoft, I discovered a lot of very good things that they can give us. I am glad that I am working on the company that will give relevant to the people for all over the world. We all know that Philippines has always problem with our waste and garbage. I am happy Mr. Ronald Flynn’s company had invented the Biosphere process which will burn our waste safety and legally. We will not have problems about it anymore for they will take charge of the job the wastes brings.

Also Fightersoft multimedia will be a big help for us in the matter of communication. It will make our daily communication easy. We can now watch TV straight from our mobile phones, send and receive MMS and even locate our loved ones. Is that so amazing? Truly it was.

And now I am part of Mr. Ronald Flynn’s employees I can prove to everybody and to myself what I can do. All the secretaries here are very kind. We are all new friends and we all have so much fun together. Mr. Ronald Flynn taking good cares for all of us. He always makes sure that he giving us groceries so we can have stuffs for our needs.

I am thankful for all the good things Mr. Ronald Flynn done for us. When I am on work, it was the happy moment I had. Life is on process and I really had enjoyed working hard and receiving something that I work hard for.

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