Monday, August 25, 2008

Ups and Downs

Meeting new friends is like owning new appliances.
First you have to know or ask for their name. You need to read the manual book first for you to know what it can give or what its capability. As for a friend, we should know their background or anything, to make us comfortable in talking to them and be with them.

Back in Olongapo City, I have a few friends, even if they were just few I am sure that they are the kind of friends who can be beside me on my ups and downs. Here in Manila I met my new friends and they were from our work. They are so nice to me. They are easy to reach out because they wanted to reach out too by me. They are easy to get along, they are nice to me and all of them were already my friends.

You can count on them whenever you need them, share things you want to share, share dreams and share more things.

The appliances you owned need to be loved and need to be cared so that you can use it for a long time. In real friends in real life, we must show our love and care for them so they wouldn’t feel taken for granted.

As for me now, I am living myself alone, I work, support myself and I share my blessings to; first to my babies and second to my family. I am proud to say that I am really a grown up lady that I can do and think positive and responsible. I am working and improved my personality. I am sure that in my hardest situation, except for my family, friends would always want to be with us to help us.

I treasured my friends and my new friends. No one is an island, so whenever anyone could be in his or her hardest situation, friends would always be willing to share the hardest thing with you and would always will to listen and help. They will make you to happy and will push you to go on with your lives and think about your responsibility in life. That is what friends are for. And that knows how to face life and how to deal with it. Thank you friend.

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